Hearing Loss: How to Know if You’re Suffering From It

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If you’ve ever had a ringing in your ears after being in a loud environment or struggled to make sense of what someone is saying because it sounds like they’re mumbling, then you may have experienced some hearing difficulties. Hearing loss is something that affects many people, but it can be hard to know when you are the one experiencing it. If you think you might have hearing problems, there are ways to tell if you do. If left untreated, hearing loss can have significant implications on your life. Here’s how to recognize if you have hearing loss and what measures you can take to prevent further issues with your ears.

Noticeable Signs of Hearing Loss

There are a few signs that you may have hearing issues that you should look out for. If you have any of these signs, you may want to make an appointment with an audiologist to get tested. A person with hearing loss may:

  • Have trouble following conversations in loud places, especially if the person they’re talking to also has a higher volume.
  • Have difficulty understanding people with a heavy accent.
  • Have difficulty hearing in crowds or noisy places, such as a busy street or a restaurant.
  • Have difficulty hearing a ringing phone, the oven timer, or a smoke alarm.
  • Have difficulty hearing clocks or other alarms that don’t have a visual component.
  • Have tinnitus, which is a constant ringing or buzzing in your ears.
  • Be easily startled by sounds that others don’t seem to notice.
  • Have trouble hearing on the phone.

Hearing Test

If you’re wondering whether you have hearing loss, you should definitely schedule a hearing test to get tested. There are two types of tests that your doctor can perform.

The first is a screening test, which can be done by a doctor, audiologist, or hearing specialist. This screening test is quick, easy, and painless. The audiologist will ask you to sit in a quiet room while wearing headphones and will play a series of loud beeps at different pitches. They’ll then ask you to respond to as many of the beeps as you can. This test is a great way to see if you may have a hearing issue and it’s quick and easy to administer.

The other test that can be done is an audiogram. This test is a bit more thorough than the screening test. You’ll sit in a soundproof booth and have earphones placed in your ears. The audiologist will then play different pitches of noises, and you’ll be asked to respond to each one. This test is helpful in determining the severity of your hearing loss.

Age-Related Hearing Loss

One of the most common causes of hearing loss is simply getting older. Hearing loss is often referred to as “age-related hearing loss”. This type of hearing loss is usually a slow decline in the ability to hear, and it is often noticed by people in their 30s and 40s. Age-related hearing loss is caused by the natural process of aging. As you grow older, your inner ear slowly starts to lose nerve endings and hair cells. These are responsible for transmitting sound vibrations to your brain and allowing you to hear. Eventually, they’ll be gone and you’ll start to experience hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is mostly gradual and is not reversible. Some people may notice signs of hearing loss in their 30s, particularly if they’re in a loud profession. Other people may not notice a decline until they’re in their 50s or 60s. Age-related hearing loss is not something that can be prevented, but there are things you can do to slow down the process.

Progression of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is progressive, meaning the damage to your ears isn’t reversible. However, it’s possible to slow the progression of hearing loss with proper hearing protection and using hearing aids in Kittery. In the early stages of hearing loss, you may still be able to hear quiet sounds, such as a ticking clock or a whisper from a friend. As hearing loss progresses, you’ll have trouble hearing in more and more environments. You may find yourself needing to turn the TV up to a level that most people would find uncomfortable, or struggling to hear friends and family members in noisy environments such as a restaurant. If you have hearing loss, you’ll need to take special care to protect your ears. You’ll want to wear earplugs in loud environments, such as concerts and construction sites. You’ll also want to reduce the volume on your smartphone.

Genetics and Contributing Factors

There’s also a chance that you can inherit hearing loss from your parents. Hearing loss is genetic, which means that you can inherit it from your parents. If one or both of your parents have hearing loss, there’s a 25% chance that you’ll also inherit it. However, there are things you can do to protect your ears. You can avoid exposure to loud noises, even if you don’t have hearing loss. This will help prevent the progression of hearing loss. You can also try wearing earplugs when you know you’ll be in loud environments, like concerts or construction sites. Even if you don’t think you have hearing issues, it’s best to get your hearing tested and take precautions to reduce damage to your ears as best you can.

How to Deal with Hearing Loss

If you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss, there are a few things you can do to mitigate the effects of the loss and make sure that your hearing doesn’t get worse. First and foremost, you’ll want to wear earplugs in loud environments, such as concerts and construction sites. These are environments where the noise can be dangerously loud and can cause damage to your ears. You’ll also want to lower the volume on your TV. Even though you’re wearing earplugs, the volume on your TV is still likely much higher than what it should be. You should also try to limit the amount of time you spend on your smartphone. The speakers inside smartphones are very loud, so it’s best to use a hands-free device.


Hearing loss is a very common issue, but it’s one that can be easily prevented. While it can’t be cured, it can be managed through certain lifestyle choices and protection. If you notice any of the signs of hearing loss, make sure to get tested and take the necessary precautions to protect your ears.


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